Saturday, August 18, 2018

How to Help Your Child Have a Great Year in Kindergarten!

Encourage your child’s independence.
Allow your child to enter the school on their own.
Expect your child to be responsible for his/her school items.

Communicate with your child about their school day.
Ask specific questions like “what was the best part of your day?”,  “who did you sit by at lunch?”, “what game did you play in P.E.?”  “did you learn a new song in music?”

Spend time reading with your child.
Reading to a child is the best and most important way they learn to read.  Make it a daily habit.

Connect learning to their world.
Notice things in the community or at your home that can relate to their learning at school.  (colors, shapes, patterns, words, etc.)

Allow your child to be a child.
All day school can be exhausting.  When your child gets home, let them rest or play.  Play is one of the greatest forms of learning!

Understand that all children learn at their own pace.
Do not compare your child to others.  All children develop at different speeds—physically and academically.  Celebrate their victories!

Guide your child with their social development.
Social skills are learned.  Not all students come into school knowing how to interact with others appropriately..  They will be perfecting these skills throughout their whole life.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello and welcome to K4 at Washington!  I'm so excited to have your child in our class this year.  Check the blog regularly for weekly updates.  
~Mrs. Luckey